In the space between the magical world and the human world, there is a cafe called 5 CATS, which is a meeting place for the residents of the magical world. After a series of events which lead to him helping out at the cafe, ordinary high school student Kei is inspired to become an apprentice magicia...
Lidia is a young empress with a pendant that has a counterpart out there somewhere, which is carried by a young thief tamed Keitsu who runs with wolves. The thief and the empress become friends fairly quickly as they figure out the significance of their respective pendants, but they don't realize th... is a website made for people who wish to vent out their anger with another fellow online partner. Cheyool's just the unlucky one to be chattering with the school's biggest two face Yu se-ha who gives her the "Salieri curse oooo, however they do not know who they are speaking to in re...
From Shoujo Crusade: Ichino is a high school girl who absolutely hate guys due to the fact that her father betrayed them when she was young; stealing all the valuables that she & her mother possessed & disappearing without a trace. Since then she has vowed to become strong so she would not lose to a...
(from ebookjapan): What's the matter with being kidnapped!? Girls are strong! In addition to the title story "Tomboy Banzai," "Ga-tunk Classroom" depicts a no-good art teacher who boldly challenges what she wants to do when she is told that she has only one month to live. Manga School" and "MY Frien...
Let's Reform the Hopeless Male Lead Before the Heroine Returns!I, who was the 'villainess' in the original story.After being infuriated by the frustrating ending, I was hit by a reincarnation truck and possessed the ex-wife of the regretful male lead, 'Ian Cloud.'But this guy is even more stubborn a...
Tanaka-san is a legendary hotel man (concierge), and after his death, he became a legend in the underworld. In the underworld, Mei works at the dilapidated Hotel Helheim. It was once a glorious hotel, and one where Mei has many fond memories. One day, Tanaka-san appears, ready to restore the Hotel H...
Ouri is a girl who dreams of getting married to someone who will protect her, just like her dad protected her mom. When she refuses an arranged betrothal to someone she doesn't know, her mom insists she attends Clover Academy, where there are plenty of fiancee candidates. Rumors about her quickly sp...
From Dragon Voice Project: Family Complex... This is exactly what Akira Sakamoto suffers from, being the second eldest son of the Sakamoto family and the only NORMAL person. The rest of the family consists of beauties, from the parents to the eldest son and the 2 daughters. Poor Akira feels that he'...