Makoto Noda, a run-of-the-mill Japanese teacher, endures ridicule from his students while struggling to manage a classroom on the verge of collapse. On a fateful day, a misunderstanding leads to a slap from a PE teacher, causing him to hit his head on the corner of a desk and lose consciousness. Whe...
From Tokyopop: Inez is a young orphan girl with a special gift that allows her to communicate with all creatures. A great destiny awaits her, the nature of which she is yet unaware. As our story opens, Inez is traveling with an old wizard named Kaager and a faithful dog named Zode. Her country is ab...
Set in the Daiouyama Prefecture High School, a school with over 3000 students. The Student Council Empress decides that small clubs are a blight on the schools resources, and that they should be forcibly merged into one club. Which of course throws four very different clubs and girls with different ...
from Iskultrip Scans A long time ago… there was a disease that would cause nightmares and kill people. Doctors and wizards threw in the towel, unable to find a cure. All of a sudden, mysterious magicians appeared. These magicians ate the nightmares of those who suffered from them. It was said that...
An Na mentions to her mother that she wants to go and find her dad, her mom soon decides to leave and go volunteer in South Africa. An Na's mom leaves their store to her half brother Aaron who she feels some resentment for. Now when she finally finds information on the wearabouts of her dad what wil...
[Summary by Vickstar taken from Akuma-Corp website]: Nine years ago, while on holiday, NONOZUMI Kanata received her first kiss from a boy named Haruka. Now age 15, Kanata has continued to love him and treasures a photograph of them together, which she always carries with her. Finding that she will b...
Collection of one-shots One day, I suddenly became a 'big brother' and everyday I am called out of my bed by a sweet and tender voice. The person who's been preparing my bentos and making me snacks is my adorable...little brother. That's right, he's much cuter than a real girl and he's actually my l...
Very few people know that one of the country’s leading erotic novel author is 15 year old Akutagawa Taketo that has just entered as a freshman at Hirameki Academy. Unlike regular high schools, this school only accepts those who are accomplished or geniuses in their particular field, ranging from a...
Suh-Ah is a quiet and reserved high school girl who almost seems unapproachable. One fine Saturday after school, Suh-Ah is dragged into a "meeting" with boys from the neighboring highschool because one of the girls gets sick. Fate lands the well-known "king card" (Hwan) on her lap and she immediatel...
Ever since he was a child, Tachibana Hideo has wanted to become a superhero like in the TV shows he watched. After he graduated from high school, he got into the Kantou Films School to chase this dream. In the summer beforehand, he managed to get a part-time job as a costumed villain for a "Crashman...