A few years before the beginning of the story, certain girls and women all over the world began to manifest a power known as “Dreams of Alice,“ with which they can make select elements of their imaginations come true. The world powers are split into two factions: those who wish to keep these gir...
The worst dullard enters into the finest prestigious school? The epitome of ineptitude and the pinnacle of prestigious academia, Runcandel. But even there, there was a painful thorn in the flesh... The protagonist, the worst dullard who might or might not appear once every few hundred years, Jin Run...
Hisaki and Yasha are an odd pair of friends: Hisaki is quiet, distant, and possibly keeping secrets from everyone, while Yasha is loud, violent, and in serious need of anger management. As they try to deal with each other, they soon find that creatures are after them for something they know nothing ...
Story : Since she was just a child, Lydia was determined as the daughter of a Marquis to do everything in her power to support the royal family. However, everything seems to be changing before her very eyes as her fiance Rogerio begins showing romantic interest in a lowly noble aide to the princess....
A mixture of off-the-wall family comedy and bittersweet love story, For the Mermaid Princess is the story of a girl with a gentle manhwaga father, a whip-wielding nutjob of a mother, and four older sisters. When her family moves to a new house, Lee Suelbi discovers just how difficult it can be to ba...
From Be With You Scans: Chie is a young girl with wonderful parents to look up to; her archaeologist father lives with her in Hokkaido, and her mother is a great scientist working in America. During a local cave excavation, Chie and her father discover Tyrannosaurus eggs, and they're about to hatch!...
[From Ivyscan]: Miruku gets the shock of her life when she finds a strange person in her bed one morning. Ruu claims to be an angel who has cast a spell on Miruku's family and schoolmates. In return for silence about her identity, Ruu agrees to help Miruku any way she can. One day, a student quarrel...