The adventure begins with a school girl named Eri getting magically summoned to a magical world. Eri has been summoned by a magician named Rex, intent on doing some scientific research observing people from different worlds. Rex is cute, with long dark hair and a rather pained expression at the tria...
A story centered around Tieria and his recovery after the defeat of Celestial Being at the end of season 1 of Kidou Senshi Gundam 00. An official special oneshot from Newtype magazine, tying the two anime season’s together.Related:> Kidou Senshi Gundam 00 - wanderer. (
From Mangaupdates: Misaki's parents are dead, and she lives with her sick uncle, who is now hospitalized, while taking care of her younger sister. Her younger sister notices the family drama around them and feels scared of what is to come. Misaki simply lives, always hoping for the best. A nice, ful...
The Spookiness is a supernatural story following two friends whose lives have been turned upside-down by a myriad of monsters that have started to appear. Follow Jaquie November and Brooke Haith as they fight to discover the answers to mysteries, all while navigating their feelings for each other. S...
Reading Manhwa Warhaven: Vengeful at Manhwa Website On the Warhaven battlefield, salvation awaits those who dare to fight! When Gillum Lee is betrayed and left for dead, he wakes up in the world of Warhaven with new memories and a new body. Now, he must fight to get his revenge. Warhaven: Vengeful...
"I don't know if I want to rap. I don't have anything I want to sing about...Or anything I want to say." Oji Yukito is a 17-year-old drug dealer living in the desperate environment of the streets of Osaka, suppressing his emotions each and every day. He lost his drug-addicted mother and his beloved ...
New works from the author of Melty Blood and Tsukihime. Familiar figures, familiar names, but a completely new storyline. Enjoy yourself with this masterwork of daily life scenes in a combat school. Shiki Nanaya is really troubled now. As the weakest member of the Aikido club, she was charged to rec...
Darian-hime is the next in line to the throne, and she is constantly being made aware of it, but she’s not really the princess type. She wants to be strong and continually trains and pushes herself to be as strong a person as she can be. This does make her a bit reckless sometimes. Fortunately, sh...