After entering high school, Rikuto, the future head of the Ayamejou-Kouji family, begins living alone in a penthouse apartment at the top of a luxury tower. However, his new life takes an unexpected turn when Kanna, a maid with a knack for eccentric behavior and conversations, arrives. With every ac...
"Class 5's Chitose Saku is a fucking playboy!" Chitose Saku is at the top of the school caste. He and his friends are textbook examples of normies, despised by the less fortunate. Surrounded by girls and boys of every kind, he's chosen to lead his second-year class by his laid-back advisor. Watch ho...
The 30-year period has come. Huang He, who could have successfully inherited tens of billions of fortunes, won a rich fair and beautiful girlfriend, and reached the pinnacle of life, ended up in the game and became a first-level zombie… Just in despair At the moment, Huang He learned the news that...
Onoda Haruichi, who dedicates his youth to Math, distances himself from his surroundings for the sake of his goal. His goal is to represent Japan in the International Math Olympiad (IMO). On the first day of school, a girl who also loves math, Nanase Mami calls out to him. "Do you like math?" she as...
In a world of nano-machines, cybernetic assassins, powerful telekinetic opponents, and secret organization dedicated to bringing forth the next evolution of humankind, children arms transform into grotesquely deformed superweapons. In 1999 ARMS received the Shogakukan Manga Award for shōnen. Links:...
14 year old Kimigawa Kento lives separated from his stepfather after his mothers death. A woman visits with a will sayings it's from his biological father. He refuses the will and she tells him the inheritance is approximately 1 trillion yen. He still doesn't what it and threatened with his friends ...
Tajima Ryohei, aka Shikeisyu 042, is sentenced to death for murdering 7 men. However, the government is planning on abolishing the death sentence for good. In order to accomplish this, Ryohei must prove that ex-criminals like him can live within society. During the 3 years he lives ouside the prison...
Summary from MH The Heavy Metal Music Group at the high school consists of just Amanokawa Rinko and the main character, a teenage boy madly in love with her. The club is intended for people who enjoy the music genre to discuss their passion for heavy metal. However, there’s only one kind of passio...
Summary: Beautiful appearance, beautiful food, beautiful legs, beautiful voice, beautiful skills... Which beautiful boy is your type...?! The trouble that arises at Private Yubiwa Academy is rumored to be resolved informally, secretively and for free, by the mysterious "Pretty Boy Detectives." In or...
High school freshman Himeno has begun a new life with her father and new stepmother, but her world is more of a nightmare than a fairytale. That is, until she is crowned the Prétear by a group of handsome knights. But this is not a story of a damsel in distress! This princess is strong, stubborn, a...
-"At that time, I still didn't know the meaning of special." Katsuyuki, a junior high school student who has never known love, and Haru, the school's madonna who moved here from Tokyo. In a strange turn of events, the distance between them grows closer... It's beautiful, it's fragile, it's sad, and ...
1. Kiss Yori mo Ijiwaru Miku is admitted to enter an extremely prestigious school, where only elite students are studying, as a transfer student. Her only good point is that she's cheerful and enthusiastic. She's pleased to enter the school because it is a boarding school and the tuition is free. Ho...
Reading Manhua Otaku Savior at Manhua Website. When a variation occurred in the old wardrobe of Jiao He family, several strange cats from the otherworld appear in his home, Jiao He has to make a serious effort to make a living in order to feed the otherworldly meowers who have suffered severe disas...
Rin Kagamine's childhood best friend, Shun Otonashi, transfers back to her middle school just as she's in the middle of puberty. Shun's demeanor has changed so much since they were young that Rin is confused as to how to talk to him. On the way home from his first day of school, Rin suddenly asks hi...