If you become a hero and defeat the Demon King, a life of idleness awaits you...! This is what the young man Jirei believed, and he worked hard day and night to achieve his goal. However, when he found out that the heroes who defeated the Demon King were the ones who were doing all the hard work, he...
In the world of daily full-throttle dedication to his studies, there's Itsuki, a high school boy. The reason he's putting in so much effort into his studies is to reunite with his first love, a girl named Amane, and go on a date with her. While he's immersed in these study-centric days, by a twist o...
A red hibiscus tops the fence so tall, Passersby greet but leave without a call. This humble flower, unworthy of a vase, Would lose its glow by morning’s soft embrace. Summer's breezes whisper by, Hesitant they float and shy. Carrying forest scents anew, While hibiscus stays blushing in the dew. T...
What happens when The Boss with a Past marries The Bachelorette after zero days of dating?! Ayaka's been enjoying her life and her job; she has no intention of getting married any time soon. She's been working at her dream company, inspired by her incredible boss Kunihiro Kasai, and living life to t...
A socially awkward man X a cat he found Mystery writer Mikazuki Subaru, who isn’t good at dealing with people, finds them to be a disturbance when it comes to building his imaginary world. One day, he chances upon a stray cat and feels inspiration strike so he brings the cat home as his muse. Can ...
Reading Manhwa Androids Have No Blood at Manhwa Website High-tech android-ai, gets into the world of martial arts due to crash landing and dimensional shift. Although he can cook food for the hungry, he will not even eat a piece himself (he is a robot) He will help people in danger, but he will nev...