Based on the game by Age, sequel to MuvLuv Unlimited, taking place in an alternate universe where the Earth is invaded by aliens. From Wikipedia: In Alternative, Takeru wakes up three years after the end of Unlimited to find himself back in his room. Although he first thinks that everything that had...
A high school soccer story begins with a crybaby football player spinning a miracle! Yuzuki Seto started playing soccer in middle school and has been living a fulfilling life as it is. However, the situation changed completely when Keisuke Asami, who is one year older, joined the soccer club. now th...
While trying to bury the body of his mother deep in the woods, high school student Yuri is approached by a strange girl who offers to help him. That is... if he promises to be her "parent killing assistant." Meet Anne Freaks, a bright, attractive teenage girl normal in every way - except that she's ...
Reading Manhua Runaway Magical Girl! at Manhua Website. Magical girl Vanilla was dismissed when she was just 18 years old because the king is a lolicon?! Vanilla didn’t want to be separated from her familiar, Black Mike, so he suggested that they run away together! Pursued by many, Vanilla gradua...
From Chibi Manga * Joshi Kousei de, Hanayome de. I am still in high school but I married a handsome designer...! * Toshishita Trap She'll be trapped by a younger boy. * Hotaru no Hikaru, Hoshi no Hikaru The girl I love is in love with another boy.... that's why I have to keep that love secret no mat...
From Forbidden Garden: LeeSoonHwi, a very athletic girl with extra ordinary acrobatic skills, lives with her older brother who is a teenage genius. Her brother is already an instructor at a university, he tends to get annoyed by his younger sister's laziness and mischievous acts. A new neighbor move...
A collection of stories: - Sennen no Kodoku (Millennium Loneliness) by FUJIWARA Kaoru - A man devotes himself to pray in church. - Himitsu (Secret) by SHIMURA Takako - Magazine editor Nanase sees a poplar tree on the go. That fateful encounter, evokes the memory of a certain secret...
Four young ladies enter London society with one common goal: they must use their feminine wit and wiles to find a husband. So a daring husband-hunting scheme is born. 1841. Annabelle Peyton, determined to save her family from disaster, decides to use her beauty and wit to tempt a suitable nobleman i...
Mikoto Inui lives with her rich grandfather. Her parents are dead, so he's all that she has. Her grandfather is worried about what will happen to her when he's not there anymore, so he wants her to attend an omiai [an arranged marriage meeting], while she'd prefer to go live on her own. He pushes he...