The 15-year-old school girl May Thomsen lives an ordinary life, until one day a speaking wolf (called Wolf) appears, telling her, that he's the guardian of the Life Tree of his distant home. He's looking for the five splinters of the tree's heart that have by an accident vanished into May's world. S...
Eight years ago, Mio, the princess of the White Kingdom, and Sakuya, the second prince of the Dark Kingdom, became friends when she got lost in the forest and Sakuya helped her. They were friends until one day, three years ago, she was sucked into a hole and went missing, and Sakuya is determined to...
{From Acacia15} Taepung is of a rather... prestigious family. But his father does not accept him, for no reason in particular. He is being beaten up by a gang when a ghost like girl comes and saves him.. And takes his most precious necklace. That girl is the "fortune teller" girl, Kain. But she seem...
Mature content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.The young masters of two noble families of the empire battled each other in the life and death arena. No one knows that they woke up again and fac...
The world is threatened by Mephisto, the King of Minor Land, who tries to spread the Melody of Unhappiness. Mephisto is after the Legendary Score, in which the Melody of Happiness is written. In order to complete the score and protect the world, new Precure girls stand up to collect the scattered no...
Wings In The Sky Core is a story that portrays the eternal confrontation of Angels, Demons and Magical Creatures. Latif Arizon, the main character, is a young Guardian Angel whose dream is to unify all the Realms of the great Universe and declare equality for all the inhabitants of it. With the help...