A collection of three stories. Summary of story 1 from Selene Scans: A light-hearted shoujo that is beautifully presented by a Taiwanese mangaka named Huang Jia Li. The manga is divided into three episodes: The Myth of the Laurel Tree, The Eden Garden Fantasia, and Midsummer Night's Fantasy. The Myt...
In order to become a splendid devil in Hell History, a stubborn and reserved 6 year old, Robin Verall, will be entering Hell Academy elementary. He really hates to go to school so he hides in some weird places, resulting in him "being in a pinch!" Robin's homeroom teacher, Shiba-sensei, discovers hi...
What would be your first thought if someone killed your parents? Certainly REVENGE... That being the case for Yoshi, who is a thief that wanders from place to place searching to find his parent's murderer, that were killed in a bloody attack his village was under years ago. His only companions.. His...
Reading Manhua My Upgradable Artifact at Manhua Website For thousands of years, some people found that the world has undergone earth-shaking changes since they obtained the aura that can strengthen themselves from a popular game. The cultivation base obtained from the game can feed back to oneself,...
Saga is a tidy young girl, living an ordinary life with her grandmother in a pleasant small town. One day she comes across a tiny pink-haired creature who seems to be ill. Thinking it might be hungry, Saga feeds it and brings it home. The creature turns out to be snow fairy apprentice Sugar, a hyper...
BlazBlue - Phase 0 ~Prologue~ is a single volume gift that came in the Japanese version of BlazBlue Continuum Shift II for Nintendo 3DS. This manga summarizes the first act of the novel BlazBlue Phase 0, telling the story of the first meeting between Ragna and Celica and later with Mitsuyoshi. Perfe...
By a shiny day, the older brother of Shunta, a potter, made a beautiful clay doll looking like a girl and called Nene. She was so cute that Shunta couldn't help wishing that she was a real girl... and then a miracle happened, the next day, Nene was alive, moving and creating living dolls by kissing ...
From Storm in Heaven:Supika studies at a school that teaches the magics of astrology and astronomy. Astrologers like Supika can use three magic items, a sun, moon, or star. Supika uses the star Spica (Virgo's brightest star), which is the most powerful item she can use at her level. In the school, h...
Yuu Watase Masterpiece Collection Volume 4 Story 1: Suna no Tiara - On their way to Eden, princess Tiara and her subjects are attacked, and only the princess survives. Follow her in her quest for revenge. Story 2: Hatsuki Triangle: Hodaka Hatsuki takes on the personality and abilities of her old boy...
It is the Meiji era. Yui is completely bewildered by her sudden transfer to Kaede Juku, a prestigious girls' school. At that time, Yuu, the daughter of a large enterprise, appears before Yui.Yui and Yuu's friendship immediately deepens. Although it seems as if they will spend time together peacefull...
Reading Manhua Heart-Beating Beauty Game at Manhua Website. Shen Xiao Man is a internet celebrity that went viral from singing. Her talent granted many fans online, but because of her appearance in real life she had to deal with many unfair situations. After a car incident, she met the cosmetic sys...