By Pink Rose Scans: This is the tale, where the progress of senior high-school reorganization is accompanied by declining birth rate, where survivors are on the line, in regards of the reformation of their precious school challenged to increase the number of their students, This is the epic story pi...
Ken is a 15 year old boy with aspirations of becoming a musician; however his dad has different plans for him. After an argument he is kicked out of his house and forced to go on an adventure to be accepted back home, along with his faithful companion Note. What adventures and situations will Ken ge...
Manga based on the Tenchi Souzou (Terranigma) game published by Enix in 1995 for the Super Nintendo video game system. It portraits the story of Ark, a young golden haired boy, that lives in the secluded village of Crysta, in the Underworld. Ark is the local troublemaker and lives at the Elder's pla...
From the mangaka of Double Arts: William is a young boy who idolizes Aradoff, a character from a popular novel which told Aradoff's adventures, and always dreams of having a grand adventure on his own. William's meeting with the novel author finally puts him on an adventure to prove that the novel i...
That's one funky dude, Goemon Ishikawa, the legendary king of thieves from the feudal era has come to know that there's an important treasure being transported from the imperial palace to the Kamiyama mansion, an ancient artifact called "The moon's melody box" surprised by the extreme measures taken...
Once upon a time in a fantasy world plagued by war, a group of four brave souls challenge the source of all the evil. It seemed all was lost until one of the heroes defeated the enemy with a powerful spell. The four heroes were able to seal this great evil to be forgotten forever - or so they though...
This story takes place in the Fairy Tale world. Our Protagonist is the younger Grimm Brother. After watching his older brother get murdered by the Shadow King (Evil Wizard Antagonist) their family Legacy/ Curse transfers to him upon the older ones death. The Older Grimm lies dead on the floor and a ...
Consecutive wars of the 21st century have taken their toll on the world and humanity.A mercenary organization by the name of SHRIKE has mysteriously gotten hold of a device that produces infinite amounts of clean energy with seemingly no fuel needed.Along with it a new type of bio-armor never before...