The adventure begins with a school girl named Eri getting magically summoned to a magical world. Eri has been summoned by a magician named Rex, intent on doing some scientific research observing people from different worlds. Rex is cute, with long dark hair and a rather pained expression at the tria...
From 200 wpm: If you could change the world, what would you do? And if you had the chance to change your life, would you? There are two worlds that exist: reality; and a world that you think is reality. Da Wei is a young man who doesn’t care about anyone or anything aside from himself. However, wh...
From CoyoMoose: Amushasu, of the Alaturca Alagun performing troupe, believes in magic created by talent and hard work to reach the hearts of his audience. He does not have any respect for the magic of genies, though he does happen to own a very dissatisfied one named Mayu. His faith in his ability t...
Ixion Saga ED follows the same story as the corresponding anime Ixion Saga DT. However, Ixion Saga ED is told from the point of view of Erecpyle Dukakis and his men. It gives you insight into Incognito's crazy antics behind the scenes and sheds a new light on the story that takes place in the world ...
Collection of short stories: 1) Crescendo Kazune, Yuzuru and Yanna loved the band "Crescent" and were inseperable. Then Yanna reveals she loves Yuzuru and Kazune cheers her on. Kazune discovers her family is moving away. And Yuzuru calls Kazune to ask if she'd like to go with him to a "Crescent" con...
From Easy Going Scans: The Sun Knight is a man who has shining golden hair, sky blue eyes, a compassionate nature, and a brilliant smile. He is the spokesperson for the God of Light, the captain of the Twelve Holy Knights, and (some say) the man closest to perfection. Beneath the veneer of the Sun K...
Amazawa Izumi and Mashiro Aya meet at the Amazawa Girls Academy. Aya was hired by Izumi's father to get rid of the "Midnight Ghost" a mysterious apparition which appears at midnight. Any girls who meet it fall into a deep sleep and won't regain consciousness. Aya gets on Izumi's nerves with her care...
The story follows the adventure of twin siblings who aspire to become Heroes, exploring a Fantasy, industrialized-era world. On their very first mission, they were attacked by an Earth Bear controlled by the New Era People. The younger brother ended up getting killed, but he has resurrected into a d...
About Sky Run Manhua According to legend, Song Liuqi, the founding emperor of the Great Emblem of China, created a white jade Jing with the power of a rune armor. The rune armor can give people a fighting power of one thousand, and can take out several rune jade pieces as a way to select the prince...