From Fallen Syndicate: A tale of mystery and magic. Naito and Yuta Fuuga are twin brothers with very different personalities. While Naito is elegant and good in school, Yuta is athletic and often winds up in fights. Despite this, they maintain a close relationship. When their father turns up missing...
Set 7 years before the events at the beginning of the original Saint Seiya Manga, and 6 years after the death of the Gold Saint Sagittarius Aiolos, Episode G revolves around Athena's Saints, humans with superhuman powers who are devoted to the Goddess of War Athena, and whose duty is to protect the ...
From Wikipedia: Yui Kusanagi, is the daughter of a Shinto shrine. She discovers a mysterious sword, which transports her to a different world where she meets the Greek god Zeus. He invites her to attend a school in a separate world that he created. Zeus intends to teach the meaning of love to the va...
From Baka-Updates: The Golden dragon has sent the legendary sword so that a hero may take hold of it and slay the Black dragon that is bound to come to destroy the world. Who could possibly become the hero of legend that is fated to have a fight of legend with the evil dragon of legend? As it turns ...
Reading Manhua The Strong The Few True Cultivators on Campus at Manhua Website All kinds of woman walk into his life causing him to be surrounded by beauties!” In order to live he must get close to girls, what kind of rule is this? Tang Zheng possess the Nine Yang Saint Body, a rare body constitu...
Reading Manhua Dominated by a Monster Boy at Manhua Website. Fang Qi, an alchemist in the modern world, time traveled to a new world ruled by monsters because of an accident during pill refining. He decided to use monsters as materials to refine pills. However, after he woke up, he found himself si...