Dororo is a thriller manga, which revolves around a ronin during the Sengoku period. He was born malformed, limbless and without facial features or internal organs. This was the result of his birth father daimyo Daigo Kagemitsu forging a pact with 48 sealed demons so that he might rule the world. In...
Sozon must pass a special exam to join the company, T.M.Job, which is made up of individuals abandoned by the world of light but refusing to mingle with the world of darkness. In order to pass Sozon must capture a reclusive wolf man and bring him back for the company. After succeeding he and the wol...
Thousands of years ago, Vampire King Akabara "Red Rose" Strauss lost both his kingdom and his queen. Since humans were unable to kill the queen, they sealed her away, erecting thousands of fake seals so that the king would never find her true location. Despite being pursued by relentless dhampires, ...
The year is 2022. Mankind has finally perfected virtual reality. And within the VRMMORPG (Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) Sword Art Online, there was a player called Kirito. While he was enjoying the world of SAO, he and the other 10,000 logged-in players all received...
Reading Manhua My Lord of the Sea, Please Do Your Work! at Manhua Website. The Lord of The Sea — riding above the waves, calling upon the life of the seven seas, and even the beasts of the abyss listens to thy callings. As the acting Lord of the Lord of the Sea and possessing godly powers, I, Hai...
A bloodstained man stands in front of a terrified girl. He proclaims his love for her and makes this ominous declaration: A year from now, she will either die alone or will be with him forever. Now, rumors abound about the cursed girl that causes any boy who proclaims his love for her to die. Join u...
The year is 1863 as the tumultuous samurai era is coming to an end, Japan is split between the pro-shogunate and anti-shogunate factions. The fate of the world is threatened as an army of historical revisionists are sent from the future to alter the course of history. In order to bring these forces ...
From Dark Horse: In a time of chaos and war, a godforsaken era, twin sons are born to an emperor. But legend states that the son of the emperor shall be born a demon! But twins? Who is the demon, and who shall reign as emperor? Chunchu is the story of a young man saved from death by his mother, bani...
Reading Manhua Olive’s Plan To Get Rich at Manhua Website. Olive, a young girl who is not satisfied with being a marriage tool, runs away from home overnight. On the way out, she accidentally saved Snow, a man who calls himself a nobleman in distress. Olive, who lost her belongings because of her...