In 1998, Battler Ushiromiya's younger sister Ange has lived a miserable life being raised by her Aunt Eva, the only survivor of the murders on Rokkenjima. Bullied and unhappy, Ange finds solace in the diary of her cousin Maria and the world of magic until she rejects its existence. However, with Eva...
A manga adaptation of the popular game, Hollow Realization takes place in the VRMMORPG game Sword Art: Origin and sees Kirito and friends traversing the land of Ainground, a rebuild of Aincrad, when they meet a mysterious NPC girl named Premiere who hasn’t been coded into the game. Vowing to prote...
Bazalta is a combat association, in which the combatants, or Rankers, are ranked according to their strength. The higher rank you get, the more wealth, fame and power you get, and you may even get the ability to change the world. In short, in Bazalta, "strength is everything". Zig, a young boy from ...
Bale Beresford serves as a personal agent to the Pope of the Papal Kingdom of Apostolo. Having finished his previous mission, his next assignment is to monitor and attend to Luna, a potential candidate to become the Holy Maiden. Will he handle this mission the same as the others, or will something i...
Amagai Gakuen, a prestigious school for boys, was hit by an unusual spring storm during the entrance ceremony. Five boys - Hazuki, Toma, Yusuke, Madoka and Junta - were all caught in the storm's violence and were affected by a strange phenomenon. All of them were transformed into girls!! Inevitably ...
The Lord Marksman and Michelia novel series is an alternative parallel world to Kawaguchi's Lord Marksman and Vanadis light novel series, with Ludmila instead of Eleonora as the main heroine. In this alternate world, Zhcted does not declare war on Brune, but instead forms an alliance to wage war aga...
Reading Manhua Mercury Express at Manhua Website. I can transport anything, just pay me with high enough price. Ling yu, a delivery man with a super power, is caught up in all kinds of accidents because of accepting strange kind of business. MANHWATOP is a website dedicated to fans of anime, manga...
In order to attain immortality, the Grim Reaper began devouring the souls of people. To gather more souls, he created the Larvae and unleashed them upon the world. Cyan is a former member of the Argent Cavaliers, an order of holy knights dedicated to eradicating Larvae and founded by the Grim Reaper...
Reading Manhua Transmigrating Through Every World to Be Your Black Lotus at Manhua Website. The story between a crazy wolf-like general and a powerful black lotus female lead in an omegaverse (ABO) parallel world. She’s a cool and domineering person who transmigrated to different worlds and teach...
Reading Manhua With All Kins, Have No Pity at Manhua Website. Zhou Yun knows that servant Yin Jun, is the Zhou family’s most loyal dog. Then, after his death and upon opening his eyes, he found out that not only was he the captive of the step-son who took his position as son of the first wife, he...
From Aerandria Scans: In the morning of his first day of work, novice teacher Tada Haruyuki got into trouble with the principal... and he got fired immediately! On the day that he was finally appointed to another position, he encounters a little boy with round eyes on a snowy mountain road. The litt...
Reading Manhua Uniquely You at Manhua Website. Cong Li is a world-famous screenwriter and superstar actor Ming Gu is her superhot husband…in her dreams that is. In reality, Cong is just a poor college student who ghost writes manuscripts without receiving any credit. After a long night writing, s...
The demon queen subdued enormous and powerful monsters and slaughtered over half of the world's population. Surviving members of the human race elected a hero to slay the demon queen, beseeching release from her oppressive rule. However, he questions his mission to eradicate the monsters: in his opi...