Based on the game by Age, sequel to the original MuvLuv game, taking place in an alternate universe where the Earth is invaded by aliens. From Animaxis: One day boarding school student Takeshi awakes to find himself in another world, one threatened by mysterious invaders. He soon learns that his onl...
About General Please Stay Manhua. Playboy prince Zhan Rong got married in his childhood due to an unexpected mistake while the cross-dressing Yan Jifeng cultivated her hatred. Due to an arson Yan Jifeng becomes Zhan Rong’s bodyguard until the assassin can be found, however the assassin is none oth...
Reading Manhua My Lovely Forensic Wife at Manhua Website. he is an outstanding forensic pathologist, a cold beauty. Though sharp and ambitious, she is still single and is under family pressure to get married. He is the president of a conglomerate, the most sought-after bachelor in the city. Though ...
Reading Manhua Hotel Temptation at Manhua Website. In her past life, Liu Zihan was a cowardly girl who was bullied. After her father’s death, she was deceived by relatives and deprived of all her property. After her rebirth, she became the queen of mercenaries and turned into a female soldier fro...
About I Want to Become a Heroic Swordswoman! Manhua. A woman dies on her way to a martial arts competition and wakes up as a rich young lady. At first, I was a martial genius and only wanted to become a hero but due to hunger, I ended dying. When I opened my eyes again, I had reincarnated as a weak...
Reading Manhua Double Sonata at Manhua Website. The dragon clan rule this sealing continent. Rumor has it that Ye, the king of dragon clan, is bloodthirsty cruelty. However, he bestows a human slave as his concubine, pampering her and doting on her for all sorts of things. She thought she had met s...
The story, which takes place in the fictional medieval empire of Saiunkoku, follows the adventures of Shūrei Kō, a descendant of a noble family that has fallen on hard times. Her father works as a librarian in the Imperial palace, a post which offers prestige and respect, but little compensation. ...