Sequel to Crossbone gundam. Unlike the other two episodes of the "crossbone saga" this volume focuses on several short stories that don't have such a great effect over the jupiter war. While the book itself is not meant to be comedy, but the "character" of the stories is (generally) much less seriou...
UFO Robot Grendizer is the third entry in the Mazinger Trilogy by Go Nagai, following Mazinger Z and Great Mazinger. This particular incarnation was illustrated by Gosaku Ota and published in Boken Oh, Otomodachi from October 1975 – March 1977. It follows the adventures of Duke Fleed, the sole sur...
From ANN: Years before the One Year War, Zionic Co. was developing a new type of piloted robots (later became Mobile Suits) using thermonuclear reactor shielded with Minovsky particles as the power source. For safety and secrecy reasons, the project was outsourced to Hosioka, a small steelworks whic...
Before the outbreak of the colony war, forces were at work shaping the future and preparing its players for the final game. As children, Heero, Relena, Duo, Trowa, Quatre and Wufei have endured more pain and difficulties than most people experience in a lifetime and would have broken the will of any...
Kidou Senshi Gundam - Gyakushuu no Char - Beyond the Time summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Kidou Senshi Gundam - Gyakushuu no Char - Beyond the Time. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate tea...
From the creator of the cyberpunk manga Battle Angel Alita comes a new tale of Alita's world. A thriller of crushed metal and spilled blood that takes place in the dystopian Scrapyard, it is drawn in a dark, expressionistic style that keeps it true to the spirit of cyberpunk science fiction writing.
From Tokyopop: Nightmares are bad enough when asleep, but In Dream World, nightmares are real, physical monsters! Drake, Hanee, and Kyle fight these Nightmares with not only weapons, but "In Dream Cards". These cards have different elemental powers, and those who wield the cards are masters of their...
SIN takes place in a post apocalyptic future derived from a universe very similar to ours. The inevitable lack of resources to sustain humanity on Earth had split the world into two warring factions, the United Nations (U.N.) and the New Earth's Alliance. (N.E.A.). After years of unnecessary conflic...
Prequel to Getter Robo Go. While Professor Saotome feverishly works on his latest creation, Shin Getter Robo, the lab comes under attack from an old foe. The Getter team is called into action, but events quickly spiral out of control, leading to questions and doubts concerning the usage of Getter ra...
For 2000 years, a separate race of humanity has lived on the moon. Known as "the Moonrace," their technology is leaps and bounds beyond those that stayed behind on the Earth's surface. Now seeking to return to their original home, the Moonrace send three teenagers - Loran, Keith, and Fran - down to ...