From Minna-scan: This is a story about a Kuu, who is thinking about her prince all the time, she has dreams of him all the time, of him telling her to come with her. One day, as she goes back to school, she meets with someone who looks like him, exactly. Not before long the story gets complicated wi...
Set in U.C. 0084, before Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, the story follows the Titans Test Team, Black Otter Team, on their mission to test new mobile suits for the Titans. It begins with Eliard Hunter, an Earth Federation mobile suit pilot being assigned to the Titans and transferring to the Aswan, an Ale...
In Universal Century 0094, a live exercise for the MSN-001X Gundam Delta Kai is being carried out in outer space. This mobile suit is equipped the "NITRO System" that grants regular pilots the abilities of a Newtype. While the Gundam Delta Kai displays overwhelming power, a side-effect causes the te...
Based on the Super Robot Taisen Original Generations franchise, this is the story of "Kyosuke's Route" at the very start of the events that set the basis for the whole thematic of the universe. Meet Kyosuke Nanbu and see how one man, this one man is pulled into a fate that involves politic conspirac...
Continuation of the succesful manga and anime series Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger starts after the defeat of Mazinger Z. Tetsuya Tsurugi is the new protagonist, piloting the powerful Great Mazinger, a creation of the once thought dead Kenzo Kabuto, the father of Koji Kabuto. This time the enemy is the...
From MangaHelpers: Meldina hates humans, and wants nothing to do with them. Since her parents' deaths, she has desired to live surrounded by machines, and everyone in town thinks she's a weirdo. One day, she meets a big machine that she names Machina and treats it as a friend. Her meeting Machina, a...
Kwenser came to the Alaskan military base to study Objects, the new weapons that have completely revolutionized war as we know it – battles are fought by soldiers controlling Objects far away from harm. However, when he starts to get close to Object pilot Milinda, will he discover the grim truth b...
This world, has been destroyed once before. During 2060, A huge meteor crushed on the center of the North Pole. Causing a global disasters, but, it also brings opportunities for evolution, "The Crystal From Other Side" Humans home, soar in the sky. Refuges filled with hatred, as the sky filled with ...
Set in the near-future, a little-understood form of matter known as "Mile One" allows a powerful and influential Japanese family, the Gowa, to produce a bipedal weapon which they refer to as a Tactical Armor (TA). At this time, a war breaks out between the US and the fictional Middle East country of...
12.000 years after the events of Sousei no Aquarion, mankind is threatened by a new enemy from other dimension labeled "Abductors", who just like the Shadow Angels, invade the human cities to kidnap its inhabitants. To defend humanity from this invasion, the Neo-DEAVA organization establish two team...
From Tokyopop: After a generation of warfare, the Gundam boys finally secured a peace between Earth and the colonies by helping to defeat the Oz and White Fang armies. Now, out of the rubble, the surviving soldiers are re-emerging and clustering together into new factions. Hero Yuy has become a vigi...
Escaflowne, the God Protector of Fanelia, has been stolen and the country is left in ruins. Desperate to find the key to Escaflowne's seal and recover the legendary guymelef, Van Fanel, Prince of Fanelia is sent to Earth, only to find it in the possession of a high school girl, Hitomi Hoshino. With ...
The plot revolves around an intranet-based online game (D.P. = Danger Planet) which is played using V.P. (Virtual Puppet). VP is literally an avatar which a person uses to in the game. However, unlike avatars (characters) from current online games, a VP is allowed to be modified (modded) by a person...