300 years after a great conflict between Earth and Mars known as the "Calamity War," a woman named Cordelia sets out on a journey to Earth to speak for the independence of the Martian city of Chryse, which is under the control of the Earth government. Escorting her is the private security company CG...
In the year U.C. 0079, as the One Year War draws to a close. Major Wolfgang leads the Principality of Zeon squadron "Hunter of Black Clothes" on atmospheric patrols. The squad is named after Wolfgang's black Zaku. The Federation fears them as "GM Hunters". When Wolfgang enters combat with a GM squad...
Go Nagai's classic sexy heroine Cutey Honey has returned! In this new manga series drawn by Masaki Segawa (author of Basilisk and Y+M), Honey meets other classic Go Nagai characters as she battles the evil forces of Panther Claw.Related:> Cutey Honey ( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/cutey-hone...
This story takes place on an island named Southern Cross Isle. One night, a boy named Takuto washed up on shore, after having swum from the mainland. He later, enrolls in Southern Cross High School as a senior and makes new friends. However, underneath the school, is a group of mysterious giants cal...
From Tokyopop: The discovery of an alien organic vessel submerged in the ocean reveals a plot to unleash planetary destruction ... a collective of evil scientists called the Reclaimers works to hasten mankind's extinction. As one of Earth's defenders, Hime Utsumiya fights on a team of mecha called B...
Because his friends fired a rocket into the US Army camp, Suzuki was wanted by the US Army and the police. While he was running away the sea surface suddenly rose, and when a brilliant light appeared he saw a strange looking battleship flying in the air. He was dumped into the sea and when he crawle...
After a generation of warfare, the Gundam boys finally brought peace between Earth and the colonies when they helped defeat the Oz and White Fang armies. Now, out of the rubble, the surviving soldiers are re-emerging and clustering together into new factions. Heero Yuy has become a vigilante pacifis...
Compilation book consisting of manga stories taking place during the events of season 2 of Kidou Senshi Gundam 00, telling short stories such as Soma's transformation into Marie, Sumeragi's return to Celestial Being, and Marina creating her song for Katharon.ACT 1: Setsuna & SajiACT 2: Allelujah & S...
Johnny Ridden survived through the fierce battle of A Baoa Qu although his MS-14B Gelgoog High Mobility Type was badly damaged by the FA-78-1 Gundam Full Armor Type's overwhelming firepower. With the aid of a comrade, he reached a Dolos-class carrier where he was reunited with his MS-06R-2 Zaku II H...
From Onadoru Euphoria: Shinesman is a comedy series that parodies shows like Power Rangers or Ronin Warriors. There were only ever two episodes released, with notably hilarious dubbing for a show. The manga series has 9 volumes and is drawn by Kaimu Tachibana, who often draws BL, so you can expect t...