The "Noisy Fairy Squadron, a secret unit under the direct control of Kycilia Zabi of the Principality of Zeon, is deployed somewhere in the North American continent. With only female members, they fight in the One Year War against the Earth Federation Forces. They are forced to face the unreasonable...
In the year 2025, huge beasts from beyond the galaxy attacked Earth. In the war that followed, humanity fought back with a giant robot named Yukio, piloted by Tetsuo Yabusame, As the massive alien swarm closed in on humanity's homeworld, Tetsuo and the Earth Defense Force deployed for the final batt...
This work is depicted as an "if story" (alternative storyline) of the main Zeta Gundam series. Char Aznable, a captain in the Principality of Zeon, was forced to assist and join the Titans after the One Year War when his sister Artesia was taken hostage by them. His main mission was to hunt down the...
(from ebookjapan): Fourteen years ago, Natsuko lost her father in an accident, and she was the queen of the crystal world, Oxtan Ryunka! Seven Bridge, a group of seven mechanical creatures, not fairies, stand up to the threat of Cunningham, a rabbit-faced man, Bookman, a splitting man, and the Nu...
Reading Manhwa I Don’t Trust My Twin Sister at Manhwa Website. The richest woman in the world, Laurencia Aztane, had success in both work and beauty, but her life was miserable. She worked day and night to protect the one and only family, her weak twins, Erusia. However, she discovered a cruel tr...
Golden Warrior Iczer-One (Part One) takes place 10 years before the Fight! Iczer-1 anime. It's the story of how Iczer-One is awakened and escapes the Cthulhu spaceship just before it is taken over by Big Gold. Iczer-One crashes down on the planet Ishua with no memories and no knowledge about herself...
Universal Century 0079. The One Year War, which started with the Principality of Zeon's declaration of war, took the largest toll in human history. Their first step, in particular, was a colony drop, which brought unprecedented damage to the Earth and in an instant, resulted in the death of half of ...
"Your Highness! The papers have piled up like this!" I reincarnated as Irene Weber, the younger sister of an aide who is suffering from overtime because of the prince who is in love and neglects his work. Irene, who was buried in work before the reincarnation and died of overwork, intends to protect...
From MyPersonal-scan-: A remake and reimagining of the original series by Hara Tetsuo (Hokuto no Ken, Hana no Keiji) which ran from 1988-1989, with new art by Yoshihara Motoki. Cyber Blue: The Lost Children follows the story of Blue, a descendant of colonists from Terra who settled the distant world...
In a world where the strong prey on the weak, you can only get trampled on without strength. Emerging nobles have bullied and oppressed the young girl Olga Perez since she was a child due to the decline of her family. She continuously forced herself to grow up, and after becoming a soldier possessin...
Reading Manhwa My Daughter is a Dragon at Manhwa Website Jihoon was leading a draining life due to his demanding professor, when one day, his daughter fell out of thin air! Thanks to Chaerin, who was as smart and pretty as an elf, things started to look up for him. His skin started to get better, ...
Kidou Senshi Gundam: Suisei no Majo - Vanadis Heart summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Kidou Senshi Gundam: Suisei no Majo - Vanadis Heart. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you ...
From Tokyopop: The year is 1921, and this is a Tokyo where monstrous steam-powered robots crash a flower-viewing party only to be cut down samurai-style by a young girl in a kimono and traditional hakama pants. It's eight years after the horrific Demon War, and Japan is a peaceful prosperous place. ...