Set in a part of Tokyo that has descended into a quagmire, the story follows Unit 8 of the 5th Special Public Security Section's 3rd Mobile Assault Division, popularly called "The Eighth," who don powered armor "Willwear" exoskeletons to counter the rise in crime. Assistant inspector Asami Kazari is...
Chiitsu Pinkada was just your average 20-something Slacker from Southern California with a love for punk rock music and Ecchi harem anime. But after getting a very special Lewd anime DVD in the mail from the anime-of-the-month club, his life gets turned upside down! Next thing you know aliens, evil ...
From: Easy Going Scans A Demon Lord spirited the Princess away, and cursed her with eternal sleep. Countless knights sought to save her, only to die in vain by the Demon Lord’s hands. But then, a Nameless Knight arrived to vanquish him and save the Princess, ignorant of what fate had in store for ...
Reading Manhua I Rely On Tomb Raiding To Become A God Through Cultivation at Manhua Website Lin Ting is a low-level maintenance worker in a future world, specializing in the maintenance of bionic robots. He sometimes secretly assembles Bionic Robots without a qualification certificate to sell them ...
"Someday I'll definitely return... In the palm of your hand..." "Small Giant Microman" & "Microman Red Powers" celebrating their 25th anniversary! Reissued with a large volume of about 780 pages in total, including about 200 pages that have not been recorded. In 1974, Takara (currently Takara Tomy) ...
Kita-Kagami City is a pretty normal town... except that some people have gotten their hands on Mecha-Ude: powerful, sentient mechanical beings attached to the limbs of their hosts. When middle school kid Hikaru accidentally activates Alma, a mysterious Mecha-Ude with no memory of his past, he forms ...
From MangaHelpers: This is another story in the Full Metal Panic universe, set ten years after the events with Sousuke and Kaname. Ichinose Tatsuya is a pretty normal high school boy, who lives with his father and little sister Yukari. He has a tendency to fall in love with foreign women, which has ...
Reading Manhwa Sovereign of Judgement at Manhwa Website On an ordinary afternoon, Ring suddenly appeared in the middle of the classroom. If you want to live, you have to climb up the ring and kill your classmates. A brutal slaughtering game that simultaneously tests human fighting power across the ...
Little kid Jin is a dab hand at mecha piloting (who'd have thought!), and when he isn't horsing around with other people's property, he's fighting against the evil forces of the Automen. To go along with the Chou Soujuu Mecha MG translation patch (available on, Phantom scanlated severa...
Reading Manhua Sword Intent at Manhua Website The 28-year-old 3D modeler with 40 years of work experience was reborn in the fantasy world of sword cultivation and mecha… Binding the sword casting system, loaded the sword map of a different world, using cheats while being careless. No way. Whether...
In U.C. 0096, a ceremony to commemorate the end of the One Year War is held in Side 7. The Aonbarr, built to resemble the famous White Base is present at the ceremony, having transported junior high school students from Earth for the ceremony. Sun Place, one of the students who quickly becomes bored...
A spin-off of the various works of Kamachi Kazuma. One day, Kamijou Touma (A Certain Magical Index) faced yet another misfortune. His toilet was broken and spraying water everywhere. As he was lamenting his misfortune, suddenly he appeared in a strange place along with Index and Misaka. Soon enough,...