The year is Cosmic Era 70. The world is a dangerous place, and the universe has been taken over by thieves and pirates. Lowe Gear, a brilliant junk-tech mechanic, discovers a top-secret Mobile Suit in the midst of space debris. This mysterious Mobile Suit seems to have been on the top of everyone’...
In a battle with the imperial knights, as the hero of the enemy mercenary Hernandez Bangador, he is resourceful and favored by the first princess of the empire, so he is called an imperial knight. The story unfolds when the first princess takes the protagonist to try on Da Vinci’s plate armor, and...
The Great Collapse Era. In the near future, civilization has collapsed due to a large-scale disaster and war, and has one foot in the apocalypse. Detective Zoe, a young girl struggling to maintain security, gets caught up in mafia trouble and saves an elderly woman. But then a giant puppet weapon re...
Released in 1997 in three parts in issues 3-4, 5-6 and 7 of Weekly Shonen Jump. Tokimecha was one of Akira Toriyama's post-DB work. The story follows a young girl by the name of Tai who manages to create a "Tokimecha", a machine that allows her to travel back in time where she meets a young caveboy ...
Based on the TV Series of the same name, insects all over the world begin to swarm for unknown reasons, with other animals and plants acting strange as well. To investigate this, Takuya Kai is dispatched with an Earth Academia group. Investigating independently, Takuya finds Guru who reveals that in...
*Based on the 2004 Tokusatsu TV series Ultraman Nexus* TLT is a covert international anti-monster unit, established secretly to combat the Space Beasts, mysterious monsters that are out to attack humans in the year 2009. One of the TLT's new recruits, Kazuki Komon, is attacked by one of them prior t...
"A mysterious robot suddenly appears in the streets of Tokyo. Boy detective Shotaro Kaneda approaches the mystery of Tetsujin 28, a robotic weapon developed by the Japanese Army during the war." The first in a series color reprints of the blockbuster hit Tetsujin 28-go, including full color and two-...
Set before Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, The story follows the Titans Test Team, Black Otter Team, on their mission to test new mobile suits for the Titans. It begins with Eliard Hunter, an Earth Federation mobile suit pilot being assigned to the Titans and transferring to the Aswan, an Alexandria class ...
It's an exciting time in the WcDonald's Universe as the Savory Chili WcDonald's Sauce arrives! Whether it's a thrilling race or entering a portal to another world, our heroes will do whatever it takes to savor the mythical sauce to complement their WcNuggets. Follow their adventures with the limited...
From the mangaka who told his life story in A Drifting Life, and gave you Abandon the Old in Tokyo and The Push Man and Other Stories, comes this collection of gekiga of the 1970s which have never before been translated into English. Personally selected for publication exclusively by Landmark Books ...
In the not so distant future Manga and Anime has grown and evolved with new innovations in technology. Many manga schools abound but among them sits the most prestigious of all Manga Academy. Many aspiring manga artist come here to make it big and among them a young man named Yuta is about to realiz...