Robotic armed freedom fighters fight for Earth's future in this intergalactic tale of the pursuit of freedom. After Earth's overpopulation sends humans offworld to live in space stations, they are abused by the controlling power—the Earth Federation government. Colonists form the Zeon Dukedom to r...
A Steampunk mystery from the creator of Silent Mobius! In this tale of a past (or future?) that never was, in the age of Steam, masked dandies, dastardly supervillains, and sentient machines stalk a Japanese Gotham by night. Are the sharp wits and quick reflexes of wunderkind detectives Narutaki and...
Frederick F. Brown is a mobile suit trainee in one of Zeon's schools, but always had a hard time keeping up with everyone. Ten months after training hard, he's thrust into actual combat for the first time together with Zeon's declaration of war. He becomes witness to the horrors and atrocities assoc...
The story revolves around Taira Yunokami a boy in fifth grade that helps his father run a food truck. One day, he meets a famished girl in a park on his way to school. After helping the girl, the city is suddenly attacked by Glutton, an inter-dimensional threat that endangers the world. Amidst the c...
The story takes place on Earth nearly a thousand years in the future. After a devastating war between artificial intelligence and humanity, monstrous creatures known as "Tai Sui" roam the land, drastically altering the natural environment and social order. In response, humanity developed "BOX"a seri...
A world where machine civilization has perished and immortal monsters called "Monotsuki" are rampant. Isana, a girl born in a remote village, meets a mechanical person who lost her memories and looks exactly like her sister, who should have disappeared in the ruins she wandered into. Convinced that ...
"Yukio... I'm going to make a friend." A shy boy named Tetsuo. The only thing he had was a giant robot named Yukio. They became "saviors" in the fight against the galactic monsters coming from outer space. After the final battle, Tetsuo returns to Earth for the first time in ten years and witnesses ...
Supersonic Fingers is the first Gunnm Gaiden story, it takes place shortly after Gally's fight with Jashugan. Gally is attacked by an unknown sniper, and while she recouperates, her hunter-warrior friends search for the culprit. The culprit is a strong fighter with a death wish that only Gally can f...
In the future, mankind has been able to create machine bodies so they can be able to live for thousands of years. Humans are now second class citizens and if they do not acquire an mechanical body, they are either hunted or forced to live a life of poverty. Tetsuro Hoshino is a young boy who mother ...
(from ebookjapan): Kazuo Umezu's "Ultraman" was serialized at the same time as the 1966 TV broadcast! The fierce battles with popular monsters such as the Baltan and Mefilas aliens are fully recorded along with the color pages from the serialization and the chapter covers! Kazuo Umezu's very famou...
U.C. 0097, one year after the opening of "Laplace's Box". Despite the revelation of the Universal Century Charter that acknowledges the existence and rights of Newtypes, the framework of the world has not been greatly altered. The conflict later dubbed the "Laplace Incident" is thought to have ended...